Site News and Info

Feb 13, 2017

Updated the website to support https. The certificate is being provided by Lets Encrypt which is an easy way for any website to get a free SSL certificate.

Sep 28, 2015
Fun with ePub

Added a quick page discussing my exploration of the ePub format and talking about how to generate an ePub document by hand. It can be found here.

Oct 15, 2011
Javascript Games Updated

I have finished moving over the javascript games from my old site and updating them to work on modern browsers (they worked on IE before, they should still work there. Also, I have made sure that they are working with Google Chrome).

This weekend I'll be making a pass over the side content and updating everything so that things are clean. I am looking for a better solution for displaying my pictures. Currently, I have a script that manually created that pages (which doesn't run anymore). I would like a lightweight album generating script...maybe I should play with python?

Lastly, I am thinking of possibilities for adding more regular content to the site...maybe expand the Seattle Life section and bit.

May 7, 2011
Site Moved

I have move my website to a new host All the structure should remain the same. My email is the same as before and will be forwarded as needed. I will start to add a lot more to this site as I transfer away from my previous host and clean things up.

Apr 11, 2010
Code Pages

I have added a page where I am beginning to collect and release various small projects that I have worked on over the year. These are just simple tools and helper classes that it would be nice to have "in the cloud" so that I can easily keep track of them.

I am collecting these projects on my Project Code page. Currently I just have one project up there (with another coming soon). Hopefully, you will find these useful.

Feb 25, 2010
Dissertation Timeline

I have a solid timeline now for completing my dissertation and graduating. I indend to finish up by the end of this summer. That leaves approximately 6 months to finish all my studies up and write my dissertation. Today I spent some time writing my dissertation. I am at 50 pages before editing already! On one hand there is a lot to cut out and rearrange, but on the other had, these were full pages -- not dissertation length pages.

This quarter I have also been TAing CSE370: Intro to Digital Design. This takes up a big chunk of my time, but has been a good experience. My primary responsibilities are grading homeworks, writing up homework solutions, and helping with lab sections.

Finally, I am trying to finish up various projects that I have been working on. I will update things here as I complete them. One such projects is a Computer Tips page. Here I am collecting random bits of advice on setting up a computer and making it run smoothly. These are just some random things that I do. Standard disclaimer applies, use at your own risk, yadda yadda.

Feb 9, 2010
HTML5 DVD Player

The other day I had the idea that HTML5 now gives us everything that we would need to be able to recreate a DVD player in the browsers, so long as we have a little bit of web service to rip the DVD and parse the structure. So I have started this project.

Right now I am parsing the .IFO files that are part of a DVD. I am using the resources from MPUCoder to understand the format of the various files. Evidently, the DVD format has its own machine language that all DVD player understand. This is how they are able to make some of games and such on the DVD. I think writing a small javascript emulator for this machine language will be pretty straight-forward. Also, I need to extract the various overlays for the menus and display them as appropriate.

Eventually, I would like to rip my DVDs to my own personal webserver and then access them completely via an HTML5 enabled web browser. This will hopefully provide a backwards compatability story for the move to media in the cloud.

Feb 5, 2010
Toward Graduation

I am working feverishly toward graduation now, hopefully finishing up by this June. My work is focusing on rich student submission creation on mobile devices, especially small screen, stylus enabled devices (with some touch screen thrown in). My hypothesis is that we can target these devices once we know how best to interact with their limited screen space and then by using web technologies to so that we don't need to write targeted software for every device we want to support.

I have updated by publications page to reflect my latest papers. I also moved some more pages over to using my scripts for generating the navbar. This should make things more consistent across pages.

May 20, 2009
Back from Vacation

I am back from vacation to Turkey. The trip was enjoyable and I will post some pictures onces I get them downloaded and select the best of them. They will be available from the menu bar at left.

Research is going slowly and I have started working on a web server based version of Classroom Presenter. This involves the instructor running a local web server on his/her machines. The students can then connect to this web server over the network and use any standard browser to follow along with the lecture and participate in student submission activities.

Feb. 12, 2009
Website Design Updated Again!

I am in the process of updating my website again. This time I have completely gotten rid of tables and am now correctly relying on only divs and styles for formatting.

Additionally, I am beginning work on a set of tutorial for Javascript game programming. These are designed to show the versatility of javascript as a platform and to show how we don't need any fancy flash and plugins to still create some pretty impressive games.

Oct. 8, 2008
Website Design Updated

After getting a lot of flak about my website design I have decided to update things for the 21st century. First, I got rid of the frames and so now all the site pages contain the navigation bar within their code. Also, I am making better use of CSS to reduce the amount of the formatting code that is located within the html. This should make editing pages a much cleaner process. There may still be a few pages that aren't yet converted to use my new set of scripts, but hopefully I'll get them working soon.

In other news, I just got back from VL/HCC in Munich Germany and will post the photos from that trip when I am able. Also, last weekend was the first annual DUB retreat. I prepared a poster which can be found on my publications page here.

Finally, I have started a Javascript games tutorial page. This is still in its very early stages, but I hope to get some working code up soon as well as completing a couple simple tutorials.

May 21, 2008
Papers, Vacation, etc.

I have updated my publications page with the latest papers. This page can be found here.

Also, I have recently got back from vacation to Peru and Chile. I am very far behind in getting my pictures online, but eventually I will get them posted.

Jan. 11, 2008
Papers and Presenter 3

I have again updated my publications page with my most recent publications. There is one full paper to appears at IUI and another poster that appeared at ASSETS. You can reach my publications page here.

Classroom presenter finally has a new website: Be sure to check it out and download the final released version of Classroom Presenter 3!

Finally, this quarter I have been taking my General Examination (the second of three milestones in graduate school). You can find my final paper here.

P.S. I haven't forgotten about my Singapore, Hong Kong, and Brazil vacation pictures, but I still need to get the best pictures selected and prep them.

Aug. 29, 2007
Papers and Updates

I have updated my publications page with my most recent publication, which will appear in INTERACT this year in Rio De Janiero, Brazil. We looked at comparing a paper/digital pen based interface to the full Tablet PC interface for Classroom Presenter. You can reach my publications page here. And speaking of Classroom Presenter, we recently released the new beta version of version 3.0. You should all check it out here.

In winter quarter I TA'ed for Richard Anderson's Tablet PC Capstone course. The projects were pretty interesting and include two projects to search your notes taken with the tablet PC, one project focuses on remote access to your notes over the web, and a final project focusing on displaying and browsing large sets of notes. You can find the website here.

This summer I am interning at Microsoft LiveLabs Research where I am working on lots of cool stuff. I finish on Sept. 14th so time is running out. This fall I am planning to complete my general examination, on the topic of heterogenous personal mobile devices in the classroom.

Jan. 18, 2006
Bunch O' Updates

Last quarter I completed my qualifying examination toward my PhD -- that's right, you now must call me Master. My Quals paper as well as my other conference papers can be found on my publications page.

In other news, we recently submitted papers to the ItiCSE 2006 and Diagrams 2006 conferences. The next step in my research is to further develop for the Classroom Presenter system (more info). We are going to shoot for at few conference submissions in March and April.

Last summer I went to Singapore and Hong Kong on vacation. I still have yet to get the pictures organized and placed online. When I do you'll be able to find them here. It was a really fun trip, but it was very warm in both locations. Finally, I have a development website up for Monkey Island: Allen Center -- take a look at it here.

Jul. 26, 2005
Jamaica Pictures

I have added pictures from my recent vacation to Jamaica. These can be found here. I had a really good time with my brother and it was very relaxing. Lots of jerk chicken, lots of drug dealers, and lots of rain! Luckily Hurricane Dennis missied Jamaica, who would have thought that this year would have the earliest start of hurricane season on record.

In other news, this summer we are working on refactoring Classroom Presenter to make it easier to expand and debug in the future. Mostly this has just been coding, which is relaxing if not too challenging. Also, this summer the plan is to continue work on Monkey Island: Allen Center -- stay tuned. Finally, later this week I find out if my paper was accepted to ACM Multimedia 2005.

Jun. 27, 2005
Drinking Reviews

I have completed a new section for my website that includes reviews for various bars that I've been to around the seattle area. I have placed it here so that you can view it. I have tried be consistent with my ratings and include all the relavent information for each listing. There are still numerous more bars to visit in each of the neighborhoods and I will continue to update the listing as I visit these. Hopefully this will be useful as you plan evening activities.

Jan. 6, 2005
India Vacation Pictures...Finally!

I finally finished arranging all of my pictures from my trip to India this summer. I have separated the pictures out by location and also included pictures from the 3 days spent in Thailand and the 4 days spent in Tokyo. The albums can be found here for your enjoyment. I have reduced the number of pictures substantially in the album, but there are still quite a few. Hopefully they will all be interesting.

Jan. 3, 2005

Last quarter I finished all the required classes to pass quals, so now all I need to complete is my quals project (which I am hard at work on). A new quarter has started and the only class I'm taking is:

The focus will be in data visualization and should be a very fun class. I am about halfway done with organizing my photos, as I complete each section they will be posted here.

Dec. 15, 2004
Photos Added

I have added photos from the Dawg Dash as well as from my trip to New York City for the ACM Multimedia Conference.

Classes just finished and over break I intend to finally arrange my photos from vacation in India/Thailand/Japan and post them when they are complete.